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Finola K.  on our Relax Blend "I bought the relax blend and I find it great . For stress , anxiety , insomnia it is the best that’s available, I have tried eve I recommend it because it works 👍"

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Aileen O.  says about our  Wart and Thuja Cream "After using it for a few days, the warts have already started to shrink. The cream has a lovely perfume and doesn’t burn the skin. I’m very pleased with this cream."

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 Marzena C.  says about Women Blend "Wonderful! I use this product for perimenopause symptoms and it's actually the only one that works for me. I started to feel the improvement straight away. It's an amazing and safe herbal blend." 

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Emily R. on React Teabags "Haven't taken an antihistamine since I began drinking this tea, it's been over 4 weeks now! The best part is that not only do I not have hay fever but I'm also not drowsy all the time from the antihistamines! Would highly recommend"

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Donna G.  on Allertone "Hay-fever relief, Over the counter pharmaceuticals do not work on my Hay-fever, Dr Clare tincture has been the only thing that has worked. Herbal all the way. Glad I'm not on the chemicals that are provided by doctors anymore."
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Our customer says about Licorice Brightening Cream   "Absolutely love this product. My hands have cracked, are red and sore from all the hand sanitising and washing. Using this has relieved and repaired my hands even though it was not specifically for hands it is for skin." Catherine C

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Brenda R. on Women Blend "Absolutely love this blend! I would be lost without my Women Blend. It is what has helped me through my perimenopause journey for sure along with other supports. Thank you Dr. Clare for a truly wonderful herbal product. I recommend to every woman I know!"

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Mary D says about Allertone "My sixteen-year-old daughter suffered from hay fever each summer and over the counter remedies were not offering any relief. This year she’s been taking the Allertone and hasn’t had one symptom as yet. I’m happier because she’s not taking chemical remedies and she’s happier to be getting relief! The success of the allergy tonic in treating my daughter’s hay fever would make me consider Dr Clare for other treatments in the future." *React Tea Bags go well with Allertone 
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One customer says about Bitters D-tox "The Bitters D-Tox is working it’s way through my system. The combination of ingredients works very well for me. Even after a few days, I feel less sluggish, I’m sleeping better and my organs feel much healthier to me." Martin W

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Elaine on Brightening Liquorice Cream "Great healer, I bought this as a gift for someone's whose hands had been badly damaged by all the hand sanitizers and cleaning etc. This cream has healed her hands within a few days. Would recommend." 

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Deirdre says about Womergy " I'll be ordering more 👍🏻 I think this really made a difference for me. I often find it difficult to tell whether a herbal remedy or supplement is helping me but I definitely feel better after taking this for 2 to 3 weeks. I am more energised and less stressed, I think."

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One customer Ciaran D says about  Digestone: "Great Product! Really settling for the tummy". 

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Emer F  says about Digestone Tea  : "I suffer a lot with nausea, probably due to having gallbladder removed , and have a history of gastritis and H.pylori. I'm about 7 days drinking the digestone tea now and the nausea is much improved. I'm also weaning off PPIs and I feel the tea is also helping with that." 

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Moira S. on Mucotone "Mucotone was recommended to me at the Health hub in Ballincollig . I have had sinus headaches since March and after an MRI I was told it was sinusitis. No antibiotics worked but after a week on Mucotone it has improved tremendously! Not very pleasant to take but worth it! Thank you Dr.Clare"  

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Lourda m.  on Mucotone "Mucotone, My partner started taking mucotone last year as he suffers from acute asthma and chest infections. He finds it brilliant as his asthma has improved(less build up of mucus) and the number of chest infections has reduced. I highly recommend it and really appreciate the great advice and help from the staff .......thank you"  Lourda mc keon

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Claire K. on Brightening Liquorice Cream "Gentle & Soothing - excellent for Sensitive Skin, Found this cream so soothing and restorative on sensitive skin. It helped repair any broken skin barrier and nourish the skin gently back to good condition. Highly recommended it."

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Marion G. on Kinderkind "Would highly recommend this blend for kids. I give it to my 4 year old son. He had a cough during the week and it was gone within 2 days." 

Dr Clare recommends visiting your doctor or herbalist before taking herbs. See your doctor or herbalist immediately if symptoms worsen, change or don't improve. 

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Lourda m.  on Immitone "Took this to build up the immune system post illness. It is superb and really helped to get me back to full health. Thank you for great help and advice too....much appreciated."

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Rory on DIGESTONE TEABAGS "Eased my painful bloating and IBS symptoms so I could get back out again. Thank you"

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Anne K.  on Antiflam Capsules "Antiflam capsules .... these capsules plus the turmeric capsules appear to be reducing the twinges of osteoarthritis that I had been experiencing in my shoulders and sometimes in my hands. I have already had both hips replaced and was very concerned about the arthritis spreading all over my body It certainly seems to have calmed down."

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Peter A.  on Anti Fungal Cream "Great product. Have been using it for a week and the issue is clearing up nicely."

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Dan on Relax Blend "Fantastic stuff. I've really found this tincture invaluable in times of stress and business. Helps so much with sleep!"

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Dan  on CONGESTION TEA  and Dr Clare's Throat Spray: "Really effective blend! Works very well for me as a singer!"
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Lisa B.  on Kinderkind "I bought this last December for my then 8 month old who due to a number of serious infections, picked up every cough and cold on the go. About to buy again! Highly recommend."

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Daisy M. on Kinderkind "Our 6 year old has a recurrent cough whenever she picks up a cold. We've been using this since she was really small. Recommended."

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Peadar A. on Witch Hazel Cream "Top quality product! I found this cream very effective. I had tried other non-botanical treatments in the past. Each were less effective & some came with side effects. However, this cream reduced pain & swelling in the area without any side effects for me. Very satisfied with it and I will be recommending it to others."

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Chiara Ercolini  on Musculojoint "it's one of the best natural anti inflammatory I have ever tried"

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Linda D.  on Vitex Agnus Cactus Tincture " I'm very happy with my order from Dr. Clare Apothecary, which arrived very promptly. Since taking Agnus Castus I see a noticeable improvement in my hormonal symptoms and I am have a much more restful sleep at night." 

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Giselda B. on Vitex Agnus Cactus capsules "This product is great for hormone balance."
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Taisce G. on Relax Blend  "I used to struggle a lot with stress which meant I rarely enjoyed a decent night sleep, and was feeling constantly tired. This tincture has helped me to relax so much, I am sleeping better and feel human again. I would really recommend this to anyone with similar issues."

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Ivy Lloyd said 

"They have an amazing mouth wash that completely god rid of my mouth ulcers. I used to get them quite often and they were really painful and made it difficult to eat, but since using the herbal mouth wash l haven't had a mouth ulcer since!"

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Lucy Uí Chionnaith said 

"I went to Dr.Clare a number of years ago with Chronic Sinuses. I had spent an awful lot of time and money on antibiotics that weren’t improving the problem. With Dr.Clare’s help, I cut out some foods from my diet that were causing my sinuses to flare. Three other members of my family have also attended Dr. Clare for various reasons and she has helped all of them hugely. I couldn’t recommend this clinic enough. Thank you." Congestion blend is also recommended.

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Breege Fahy said: 

"If it wasn’t for Dr Clare and her Apothicary, I would not have been able to continue working throughout menopause.

Big thanks" Also recommended is our womens blend

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Lucie G.  on Roasted Dandelion Coffee 100g "Delicious I recently purchased a bag of this wonder and thought I could try it. I didn't expect much as it sounds sort of exotic, but, my oh my, I made a cup, smelled it, tasted it and I am hooked! It is so smooth, so delicious! Can't wait to spread the word!!!"

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Orla McKeogh said:

"Have used the children's cough bottle on my daughter and it's amazing. Definitely my go to product. Far superior product than any of those sugar laden cough syrup s.

Highly recommend"

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Rebecca Maugha said:

"I've been using this children's cough bottle for the last 3 years on many occasions its prevented the need for antibiotics definitely the best I've used to date just a pity I didn't know about it sooner would never be without it."

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Tina Fordham said:

"My little girl got Covid a couple off weeks ago, very mild but developed a cough, I contact Dr Clare for advise, she advised kinderkind, 5mls 3 time a day In her Juice/water. Within 2 days the cough got softer and on day 3 it was gone, it’s also an immune booster, which was also evident as the color returned to her face, I can’t thank you enough for your advice and amazing product, it will definitely have a place in my medicine press."

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Aoife Warnock said:

"I messaged the shop to ask about a cream for severe dermatitis on my hands (after months of trying various moisturisers and oils) and was recommended the Brightening Cream containing liquorice.

Within 2 days of using it, my hands are almost completely healed!

Thank you so much! Will be back and would definitely recommend."

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"I so love this herbal blend for kids Kinderkind, I use it when the kids have colds and coughs, highly recommend it, even my 8 year old said this is the only thing I feel better after, you can get from"

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Eleanor Thornton said:

"My sixteen year old daughter suffered with hay fever each summer and over the counter remedies were not offering any relief. This year she’s been taking the Allergy Tincture and hasn’t had one symptom as yet. I’m happier because she’s not taking chemical remedies and she’s happier to be getting relief!"

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Bethan O'Riordan said: 

"Took the chest and sinus tincture for a lingering cough. Worked a treat. After over a month of being unwell I've turned a corner. Yippee"

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