12 Tips for Soothing Family Colds and Coughs This Winter

Family colds and coughs are inevitable during winter months. They can make you feel miserable and can sometimes be difficult to shake off.
Colds are viral and cannot be treated with antibiotics. They take time to leave your system. While you may not be able to avoid getting a cold or cough, there are some simple measures you can use to soothe the symptoms and ease discomfort in both children and adults.
Tips For Soothing Colds and Coughs
#1. Hydration
Ensuring you drink plenty of fluids to keep you hydrated can help soothe your throat and prevent excessive coughing. Water is best and will help reduce the build up of mucus, reduce dryness and can help keep you cool if you have a fever.
#2. Clearing Mucus
Mucotone is a Dr Clare Apothecary tincture blended from ingredients that contribute to the health of the respiratory tract and can help alleviate the mucus build up caused by colds and coughs.
#3. Relieving Tickles in the Throat
Kinderkind is a Dr Clare Apothecary antibacterial blend designed to help reduce inflammation, relieve tickle in the throat and pharynx and support the immune system. It is suitable for very young babies and children right up to adults and is ideal for soothing the symptoms of colds and coughs.
Both Kinderkind and Mucontone are available to order online and are stocked in pharmacies and health stores nationwide. Please ask your pharmacist/health store staff about them next time you visit.
Dr Clare Apothecary

Dr Dilis Clare is a GP and Medical Herbalist based in Galway. Her GP formulated unique blends and tinctures offer relief for everything from coughs to bladder infections and are based on collaborative science and mother nature. These along with herbs and speciality teas and other items are available to buy instore on Sea Road, Galway, from specialist health stores and pharmacies nationwide and can also be ordered online.
You can connect with Dr Clare Apothecary via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or log onto the YouTube channel for helpful videos with tips and advice on a multitude of ailments from soothing colds and coughs to allergies, digestion and other common health conditions that affect us daily.
#4. Honey
A small teaspoon of honey can help line the throat and reduce the tickly feeling you get with a cough offering some relief. (Please note it is advised not to give honey to children under 1.)
#5. Rest
You often hear the saying the best medicine is rest. When we sleep it gives our body an opportunity to rest and repair and will leave us feeling fitter to help fight infection.
#6. Moisture
Dry, hot air can aggravate the symptoms of a cold or cough. Use a cool-mist humidifier to help keep some moisture in the air. You could also use the steam generated when you take a hot shower to help open up your airways and soothe cold and cough symptoms.
#7. Nutrition

A balanced diet is important at all times, but especially so when you are feeling unwell. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and a mix of herbs and spices can help reduce inflammation and add virus fighting nutrients back into your body.
Berries, ginger, lemon, turmeric, garlic, green vegetables and fruit are packed with antioxidants and will help soothe the body when you have a cold or cough.
#8. Saline
Gargling with salt and warm water can help if your throat is sore and irritated. While saline nasal drops or sprays can help combat the build up of mucus in your nose.
#9. Sucking
Sucking a hard boiled sweet or a cough drop can help add moisture to the throat and relive the dry, itchy feeling that causes you to cough. Do be careful when giving hard sweets to younger children as they can be a choking hazard.
#10. Heat
Staying warm and comfortable is important when you are not feeling your best. But, hot liquids can also help soothe cold and cough symptoms too.
Hot chicken soup, warm water with freshly squeezed lemon, ginger and honey or hot herbal tea can all help relieve the symptoms of a cold or cough.
The hot liquid is soothing and warming and chicken soup, lemon, ginger and honey are packed with vitamins to make you feel better and replenish nutrients in your body that may be depleted.
#11. Sleeping
You may find that adding an extra pillow to keep you slightly elevated when you sleep will help the maintain the flow of mucus from your sinuses and avoid congestion. This in turn will aid better sleep while you have a cold or cough.
#12. Snuggles
Finally a snuggle on the sofa with your favourite blanket, can help you feel better no matter what aliments you have.
Remember, if symptoms persist or get worse it is best to consult your GP for further advice.